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Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. It is located in southern Moravia. The population of Brno is about 400,000 people. The city of Brno is located on the Svitava and Svratka rivers. Some of the most famous sights in Brno are the Špilberk Castle, the Tugendhat villa, the Old Town Hall, and the Church of St Peter and St Paul. There are also several universities, a zoo, the Technical Museum, the Moravian Museum, the Museum of Romany Culture, and other interesting places. The Czech composer Leoš Janáček was born in Brno but he spent most of their lives there. There is a certain friendly rivalry between Prague and Brno which is kind of funny because Ostrava is much better than both, except for the air and beer quality.


Olomouc is a large city of about 100,000 people. It is located in the centre of Moravia. It is a very old city with a lot of historical places and the second oldest university in the Czech Republic. About a quarter of the people who live in Olomouc are university students. The smelly cheese produced in Olomouc called "olomoucké tvarůžky" is notorious all over the Czech Republic. There is also a strange ugly communist astronomical clock in the city.


Ostrava is the third largest city in the Czech Republic. It is located on the border between northern Moravia and Silesia. The population of Ostrava is about 300,000 people. The city is located on the Ostravice River. In the past, Ostrava was one of the centres of Czech industry and the city is still full of factories, steelworks, coal mines, and other industrial buildings. As a result, the quality of air in Ostrava is bad. Because steel manufacturing and coal mining decreased, there are a lot of unemployed people in Ostrava and the city looks a bit depressing and Soviet as a result. People who just visit it or see it on TV are often scared but it really is a nice place. There are lots of great shops with old books and the people are generally friendly. Ostrava is home to Baník Ostrava, a famous football club. The athletics competition called the Golden Spike takes place in Ostrava every year. The famous contemporary music band Kryštof comes from Ostrava. A festival called Colours of Ostrava takes place in the city every year.


The city of Kroměříž, located in the East of the country, is one of the of the finest places to experience this exquisite architectural style and another UNESCO-protected destination.

Here can be found the splendid Flower Garden, also known as "Libosad", which is considered to be among the best preserved Baroque gardens in the world.

Its perfect geometrical shapes, a variety of statues, sparkling fountains and magnificent colonnades give you a true sense of Baroque beauty.


This little town in the South Bohemian region has one of the best preserved medieval city cores in the whole Europe.

The red rooftops, colorful houses, dramatic castle views and picturesque river panoramas make Český Krumlov a charming destination.

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