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Canada revision questions

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  1. Give examples of 2 burning issues of the Inuit people that we discussed.

Lack of education because no one really wants to go there and teach them, different lifestyle, which leads to poverty, depression. Because it is society based on tribes, the finances are not always distributed fairly.

  1. Try to figure out 2 similarities between Canada and the US (of any kind–system of government, lifestyle…..) and 2 differences.

Native Americans are similar to Inuit people in the terms of their culture, lack of education, depression and use of drugs and alcohol. The difference is, that Canada is proving houses for them or is supporting teachers to go to North to increase level od education.

USA is generally more individualistic, revolution created mistrust for the government. There is also strong believe of predestination. Canada on the other hand is more pro social and community based.

The two countries are also very multicultural. Canada is trying to be in agreement with other countries, while the USA is trying to expand their ideology to other countries. (Afghanistan, Vietnam)

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