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London, the capital of the UK, is situated on the Thames in the southeast of England. London became an important port, industrial centre and the seat of kings and queens. It was at this time that William the Conqueror came to London after famous battle of Hastings. A new part of the town was founded- Westminster. King Edward the Confessor built the Westminster Palace and established Westminster Abby.
London is cosmopolitan city; there are people of many nationalities. Today the population is about 8 million inhabitants. London consists of three parts: the original and historical City, West End- centre of entertainment and the East End, rather and industrial area. It is a major world financial centre with number of banks and the well-known London Stock Exchange.

London transport is one of quite high quality. For example, why not have a ride on one of the world-famous red double-decker buses, though now in the historical parts only as-except for two lines- these buses have by now been abolished. Another alternative is the underground, or tube, as it’s known in London. Tube is the oldest and one of the most perfect underground networks in the world. Traditional black taxis, or cabs, are another symbol of London.

The Tower of London stands on the north bank of the Thames. The White Tower is the oldest part of Tower. The Bloody Tower used to be a prison, and so did the Green Tower. Today the Tower is a museum of historical weapons and there are coronational jewels.

The Tower Bridge is symbol of London. The Bridge opens in the middle and goes up when huge ships want to pass through.

Buckingham Palace has been the home of the sovereign since Queen Victoria. The Changing of the Guards some of the biggest London’s spectacles.

Trafalgar Square has 18-foot high statue of Horatio Nelson. Square is surrounded with St Martin-in-the-Field Church and the National Gallery.

Piccadilly Circus is the talk of the Down. Five major roads cross there and in the close surroundings there are many London theatres, cinemas, restaurants and shops.

One of the known theatres is the Globe which stands on the south bank of the river Thames. It’s a faithful reconstruction of Shakespeare’s original theatre.

has been a university Down since 12th century. It lies on the river Thames. Today there are 35 colleges, each with its own character and traditions.
Cambridge lies on the river Ca mand it’s a university Down as well. Those two universities are big rivals and every year they organize swing competitions.
Brighton lies on the southern coast of England. It’s a famous seaside resort for holidaymakers from the whole Britain. The fun centre of today’s Brighton has been the traditional and modern Victorian Palace Pier by the seaside.
Liverpool, apart from being an industrial Down, became famous as the birthplace of the Beatles. It became one of the world’s greatest cities and ports.

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